Author / James Wondrack

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  • How and why to avoid the design cycle of doom

    Are you looking to hire designers or enhance your team’s design competency? Or improve how design can significantly contribute to your objectives? Design has evolved. A common misconception is assuming that the sole purpose of design is to make things look good. This belief is holding back the ability to engage design. Design = style…

  • Outcome-centered product design flywheel

    How customer behaviors make for better product improvement metrics Achieving desired business results is fundamental to success. Pursuing these results through product enhancement involves executing strategies tied to executable business objectives, such as increasing revenue within a timeframe. Human-centered design is a problem-solving approach that achieves desired business results by changing specific human behaviors. It…

  • The Business Benefits of Good Design: Exploring Why and How

    For over 50 years, the phrase “Good design is good business” coined by IBM’s Thomas J. Watson has provided an easy mantra for design. But what exactly makes good design good for business? How does your design group contribute to achieving your product and business objectives? In my experience, it begins and ends with a…

  • Embracing Design Strategically: Redefining Value and Business Impact

    I never imagined that understanding design would be such a challenge, especially among those who claim to champion it. Part of the problem arises when you ask 100 designers to define design, you’ll likely receive 100 different answers. When I refer to design, I mean the user-centered design approach for solving problems. First, let’s acknowledge…